SAJR 934

Neonatal imaging

S K Misser,1 MB ChB, FC Rad (D) SA; T A Mitha,2 BSc, MB ChB, FCP (SA) Paed; A S Shaik,3 MB ChB, FCS (SA), Cert (Paed Surg) SA

1 Lake Smit and Partners, Durban, South Africa

2 Specialist Paediatrician, Parklands Hospital, Durban, South Africa

3 Paediatric Surgeon, Parklands Hospital, Durban, South Africa

Corresponding author: S K Misser (

A neonatal first set of radiographs of a baby girl appear below. Describe the relevant findings and formulate the most appropriate clinical diagnosis. Please submit your response to not later than 23 September 2013. The winning respondent will receive a R1 000 award from the RSSA. A detailed diagnosis and discussion will be presented in the next issue of the SAJR.

S Afr J Rad 2013;17(3):116. DOI:10.7196/SAJR.934

Fig. 1. Portable supine abdominal radiograph.

Fig. 2. Portable shoot-through lateral abdominal radiograph.

Fig. 3. Portable babygram radiograph.

Fig. 4. Portable occipito-frontal radiograph.

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