Case Report
A case report of multinodular hepatic steatosis mimicking pseudotumors of the liver
Submitted: 25 January 2022 | Published: 27 June 2022
About the author(s)
Pavel Burko, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology, Moscow, Russian Federation; and, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Clinic for Diagnostics and Management on Izmaylova, Penza, Russian FederationNitin Juggath, Department of Radiation Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Ruslan Iliasov, Department of Surgery, Clinic for Diagnostics and Management on Izmaylova, Penza, Russian Federation
Mariya Fedorova, Department of Morphology, Faculty of General Medicine, Penza State University, Institute of Medicine, Penza, Russian Federation
Natalia Nazarova, Department of Radiology, Penza Institute for Further Training of Physicians - Branch Campus of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, Penza, Russian Federation; and, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Clinical Hospital №6 named after G.A. Zakharyin, Penza, Russian Federation
Fatty liver disease (FLD) is a common, benign pathology often found incidentally. We present a clinical case in which metastatic liver disease was suspected on initial imaging studies. Following further investigations, a diagnosis of ‘non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), multinodular type’ was postulated. Subsequent histology confirmed the presence of liver steatosis. Multinodular type hepatic steatosis is a rare, but clinically important pathology to identify and differentiate from other multifocal lesions of the liver parenchyma.
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Crossref Citations
1. Macro-vacuolar steatosis in a cirrhotic liver mimicking metastatic disease
Pietro Pitrone, Agatino Cacciola, Antonino Cattafi, Alessia Maria Romeo, Annalisa Cracò, Francesco Marcello Aricò, Nicola Migliaccio, Francesca Magnani, Italo Giuseppe Bellone, Simona Caloggero, Giampiero Mastroeni
Radiology Case Reports vol: 20 issue: 2 first page: 1208 year: 2025
doi: 10.1016/j.radcr.2024.11.025