Case Report

Arteriovenous shunting and early cortical venous filling in subacute cerebral infarction: An old angiographic finding revisited

Ian C. Duncan
South African Journal of Radiology | Vol 6, No 3 | a1434 | DOI: | © 2018 Ian C. Duncan | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 12 July 2018 | Published: 30 September 2002

About the author(s)

Ian C. Duncan, Unitas Interventional Unit, South Africa

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Demonstrated in this report is an example of arteriovenous shunting and early venous filling in an area of cerebral infarction recorded on digital subtraction angiography. This angiographic appearance is largely of historical interest given the current use of sectional imaging (CT and MR) and altered role of angiography in the imaging of stroke, but should nevertheless still be considered amongst the differential causes of cerebral arteriovenous shunting.


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